Brick happens to be the world's most extensively used structural clay product. In fact. brickmaking is the oldest industry in the history of mankind. It is reported that hand-shaped and sun-dried mud bricks were made and used during the pre-pottery neolithic period as back as 10.000 B.C. Use of mould-box-shaped, sun-dried and fired bricks started only around 3,000 B.C.. Since then, structural clay products have made great strides with respect to scale / efficiency of operation and quality of finished goods. However, unfortunately, this development has mainly remained confined to the developed worid only eluding the developing world - including the Indian subcontinent - almost completely. We therefore started offering 'appropriate' mechanisation solutions to the brick industry in the year 1986. All these years, our sole aim has been to help the industry win back its rightful place in the history of the world. 'Sustainable Development', which is the buzzword of the modem times, has been our chief concern; and the 'near eternal' quality of the brick our prime motivating force !